Friday, July 11, 2008

Greetings, Friends & Family!

We'll be taking off in YOW (Yatahai On Wheels, our 31' fifth-wheel RV which is towed by our 2003 Dodge 3/4 ton truck) early (6 AMish) on July 14, 2008 (believe it or not, our 35th wedding anniversary!). More or less daily, we'll be adding posts to let you know where we are, what we're seeing and what we're doing (well, at least most of what we're doing!). This will be a 10,000 +/- mile trip with no agenda other than to wander through Alberta, British Columbia (norther parts), the Yukon Territory and Alaska, plus some northern states necessary to get there and back.

With any luck/persistence, I'll even figure out how to transfer digital photos from my camera to this blog!

We do look forward to sharing our adventure with you.

P.S. Should you want to communicate directly, we'll have our cell phones (303-619-1455 Gail, 303-877-2786 Harley) and my laptop ( with us. However, I suspect that there will be may areas where we won't have reception.

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